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What Do We Love?

With love on everyone’s minds this week, we’ve decided to take a step back and consider the things we appreciate on a daily basis. Here at Origin, we’re celebrating Valentine's Day by asking ourselves the simple, yet underappreciated question: What do we love? 

Here’s what the team wanted to share:

Julie - 

I'm loving being back in the on-premise and enjoying cocktails by really amazing bartenders (my home mixology doesn't quite cut it). Lately, I've been having an affair with Palomas- especially one particular version called the Siouxy-Sioux, created by Kenny at the Lumiere in Telluride. He squeezes his own grapefruit juice and is very particular about what fruit he picks so that the cocktail doesn't get too sweet. He also adds a really wonderful European Pamplemousse liqueur. The whole perfect concoction is tangy, salty and just slightly sweet.

I also just finished a really unique novel called Cloud Cuckoo Land, by Anthony Doerr (who wrote All the Light We Cannot See). It's a very ambitious novel bouncing back and forth between the 1400's, the 1940's and 50's, the 2000's and the future. He ties it all together brilliantly in a way that illuminates our common humanity and folly.


Lance -

This furniture by Yomi Eko feels both serious and silly at the same time.  Maybe that’s why I love it so much. There’s something magical, to me at least, about translucent material that reveals the structure inside.

I’m a sucker for contrasting materials, so these pieces of wood and Air (with some PVC) and vibrant colors does the trick!

Click Here for More: https://clearhomedesign.com/search.php?search_query=Yomi+Eko#search-results-products

Megan - 

Alison Roman Cookbooks - I know I’m late to the party on Alison Roman, but a friend just gifted me both (!) of her cookbooks and I’m obsessed. The Herby Green Salad is delicious and SO simple!

Grand Wine & Spirits - I like to keep it as local as possible and I was SUPER pumped that this great shop just opened a few blocks from me. Very cool, unique selection, informed staff and loads of stuff to discover.

Wordle - it’s an obsession and I blame Julie Wood.

Michelle - 

I'm currently loving my new bike, my PR21 AllRoad. It’s custom sized for my 5'0 frame, helping me get back and forth to work, yoga and everything else. I designed all the details myself, making it unique to my taste, from the logo to the Italian Vanilla color, and I finished it with a tan leather seat and bar tape. Long scenic rides through trails and roads on my own personalized set of wheels is something I enjoy so much and my new bike is definitely worth some love and appreciation today.